Dear Sir/Madam,
I hope this email finds you well and safe given the current situation with Covid 19. My name is Kevin O’Connell and I am currently doing a thesis for my Masters Degree in International Development, Maynooth University Ireland. My topic looks at peace building experiences in Bosnia and Herzegovina and what the perceived effects on ethnic relationships that people have on this. I believe this is an area that has not been looked at in depth yet and this research could provide an insight into what people think about how peace building experiences have effected ethnic relationships in Bosnia. I am looking for people who once lived in Bosnia and Herzegovina to take part in my research. The full title is listed below:
What are the perception of the effects of peace building experiences on ethnic relationships in Bosnia and Herzegovina?
While this title may be complicated at first glance, I have a series of questions and themes associated with this title. I came across your organisation and am wondering if anyone in your organisation or those apart of the Bosnia and Herzegovian community within your organisation would like to take part in this research. I thought I would contact you because as an organisation that represents the Bosnian and Herzegovina diaspora in the United Kingdom, you would have links to people who may want to take part in this research.
I am looking to conduct the research as soon as possible and am flexible in how this should be conducted, given the current situation with Covid 19. Skype calls, Whats App etc would be the best means to conduct the interviews. However, for the moment I am just seeking your help in finding anyone who would like to participate in this research! I will list the questions I will use for the interviews below:
Appendix (i): Interview Topic Guide
1. The Dayton Peace Agreement
Are you aware of The Dayton Peace Agreement signed in 1995 to promote peace in Bosnia?
In your opinion has it been effective in promoting peace between the different ethnic communities in Bosnia?
In your opinion, have the relationships between ethnic communities in Bosnia changed since this agreement in 1995?
From your experience of living abroad, how do you view the current state of integration of ethnic communities into one Bosnian society?
2. Peace Building Programmes
Since the agreement, there have been two types of peace building programmes in Bosnia.
Externally owned (e.g. controlled by the United Nations)
Internally owned (e.g. local Bosnian organisations).
In your opinion, have relationships between ethnic communities benefited from either of these?
Which in your opinion has had a bigger impact on everyday ethnic relations in Bosnia?
In your opinion, has communication between ethnic communities become over reliant on peace building programmes?
In your opinion, would ethnic relations have been better served by more involvement from local communities?
Thank you for any help you can provide
Kevin O’Connell